Monday, July 16, 2007

"Little Mama"

Sometimes I think Cobe forgets who the mom is at our house. Landry is such a good "big sis". She helps out soooo much. lol I do love watching the two of them together. I have been warned by many that some day they may not get along so well. I will enjoy it while it lasts.

Dance Recital 2007

Landry and "the girls"
Landry with Mommy and Daddy.

It's time to "get down"

Rub a dub dub, get me out of the tub.

It seems like every good picture we have of Cobe is in the bathtub. The truth is ,that's the only time we can get him still enough to get a picture. He's a quick little toot! And so much fun!!!

Our sweet "little" girl is getting so big. Or maybe the cap and gown make it look that way. :)

PreSchool Graduation

Preschool years for Landry and her "pals" is over. It is time for Kindergarten and that is so very hard to swallow.
Landry, on the other hand, she is allll Chad!

Do you think he looks like me? Some say so.